Mostră de colț al profilului 1177
  • Cod:


  • Mostră de colț al profilului 1177

  • Greutate netă: grame 55 -  Greutate brută: grame 69

Mostră de colț al profilului 1177
It is possible to order corner samples even without ordering the corresponding mouldings. In this way, it is possible to display samples immediately and to evaluate your customers' liking. Mouldings can be ordered later on, once you are sure your clients are really requesting such article.

The side of the samples is 15 cm long.
Each corner sample comes with a back label indicating the moulding code and the bar code. The bar code is very useful for framer using a computer program for it allow immediate reading and automatic insertion of moulding datas.

When ordering corner samples please write the letter "C" followed by the moulding code.
For example, the sample of moulding 1130 is C1130.
The price is equal to 50 cm of moulding.

It is possible (and cheaper) to order the complete set of corner aluminum samples. The code of the complete set is C21X and includes 13 samples.

Mostră de colț al profilului 1177